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Writer's picturezachgaulke


We wanted to give you all an update, since it's been a while since we've shared anything here. That is mostly because we are still working on compiling things for our Bulgaria dossier (country paperwork) and US immigration. We also have a fundraiser at a bazaar on May 7th coming up, so we're still raising funds, also.

Our home study is complete on our end - our social worker has some follow-up questions for AGCI, since she's new to the agency). We are compiling documents, filling out paperwork, and getting it ready to be notarized. Then, we send it in to be apostilled (basically a federal authentication of seals and notaries). Then, it goes to our agency to be translated, and then to Bulgaria!

The timeline is a little nuanced and imprecise. It takes 3-4 weeks for AGCI to translate before going to Bulgaria. Then, it takes 4-6 weeks to be reviewed and approved by Bulgaria. Then, we are on the wait list for a match. This could take 1-5 years (probably on the lower end, since we are open to most disabilities). We are applying with the possibility of adopting two children, but since we are limited to children 0-5 by our agency, and they would need to be siblings, this may be difficult or unlikely to happen. Then, the timeline speeds up quite a bit, with our accepting the match, traveling to Bulgaria, then back as they finish the process, and finally to Bulgaria again to pick up our child(ren).

We're always happy to answer any questions you have for us. It seems that the process comes and goes in waves; sometimes, there is a LOT to do, and other times we're waiting for others. But it is all God's plan and timing. We SO appreciate all your prayers, support, and check-ins.


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